In my last article, why the right M2M / IoT partner will connect you to more than just toasters and fridges, we discussed the key role of the reseller, and the importance of connecting with the right partner in the M2M and IoT market. However, we have yet to answer the questions we left off: what and where are the opportunities, and how does Pangea provide support to their partners to monetise these opportunities?
As I mentioned in my previous article, Pangea has established a simple but effective strategy to support our partners in identifying and understanding opportunities, and most importantly, where these opportunities are. Pangea takes what we call a ‘targeted approach’, which we also encourage our partners to take. We believe IoT isn’t in one sector but in every sector, and as a chosen partner it is our responsibility to bring this to our partner’s attention.
What does the targeted approach entail?
We realise how widely M2M and IoT spans. Therefore, in order to make sure our partners capitalise on the varied opportunities within different sectors we take them through the vertical and horizontal approach, thus bringing us back to narrowing down routes within the market.
What is the vertical approach?
M2M/IoT in its early days tended to be deployed mainly for bespoke solutions which predominantly span through the vertical sectors. This will not change. As the market continues to grow there will always be early adopters who will continue to demand next generation bespoke solutions, which is in the nature of the IoT market and technology as a whole.
We find this to be common in the automotive, smart cities, healthcare, and the connected home sectors to name a few. Where Pangea comes into play here is in supporting our partners in identifying the existing customers they have within these sectors and taking them through what we call the 3 stage cycle. This cycle involves identifying service sectors, application groups, and devices. The partner is then able to match Pangea products and solutions to meet the client’s requirement within that sector. As the partner begins to understand more about their client’s processes, they are able to identify further opportunities for improvement to increase profit.
What is the horizontal approach?
The horizontal approach consists of supporting our partners in understanding their client’s M2M platform and strategy. Businesses across different sectors are now building and implementing M2M strategies as it’s becoming more evident how M2M can influence or improve their competitiveness. Approaches taken by big players such as Deutsche Telekom and Apple in targeting their customers and influencing the increase in end customer applications have added value to the market and influenced the road to new services and improving efficiencies.
What does added value mean to the partner’s customer?
Developments around managed services have allowed us to provide data analytics and added security to our partners. This has created added value to the products and solutions within our portfolio, thus allowing partners to upsell these solutions and offer added value to their existing customers.
We help our partners understand the importance of data analytics to the customer as this information is key in understanding their end user’s behaviour and needs.
What are the next steps?
In my two previous blog posts, which you can read here and here, I’ve explained how Pangea helps their resellers to realise the opportunities in the M2M and IoT market, and highlighted how we support them. If you wish to find out more information about how we can help you and your business in particular, please get in touch.
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