Here’s why you need to draw up your 5G plans for 2021 now, and the risks you could face if you don’t.
Why is it the perfect time to get started with 5G?
Ericsson have been quick to fill the Huawei-shaped hole, with solutions on par with and better than their predecessor’s. Their 5G infrastructure is gaining momentum fast, much to the UK’s benefit.
On top of that, Ofcom’s next 5G spectrum auction in January 2021 will increase the UK’s mobile airwaves by roughly 20% and further boost 5G services.
As a result in 2021, we can look forward to:
But in 2021, MNOs will begin the shift to Standalone (SA) 5G, which will introduce network slicing and the ultra-reliable low latencies (sub-5 milliseconds!). So we can expect to see the state-of-the-art AR / VR applications, time-sensitive robotics, and haptic technology that 5G is famous for. Partners will also be able to provide network-as-a-service (NaaS) for their customers.
Which will be a big bonus for end-users, as they’ll be able to use eSIMs and won’t need to manually swap 3G / 4G SIMs to 5G SIMs when upgrading their connectivity.
What’ll happen if you delay?
Failing to prep for means you’ll miss out on all the revenue from customers waiting for enhanced mobile broadband’s speeds. If you don’t establish yourself as the go-to choice for 5G now, or if you sit back and let 5G devices hit the market without gearing up, your customers will find someone else who can offer them the 5G technology and thought leadership that they’re looking for.
And at that point, it becomes a battle to win them back. Why let that happen when you could have free reign of the 5G market right now?
How should Channel partners prepare?
And as the ones that the UK looks to for technology guidance, it’s the Channel’s responsibility to make sure end-users understand the power of 5G. Customer impressions of 5G are still very basic; many home broadband users and large enterprises still just see it as a faster 4G when it’s so much more.
So to kick off your 5G strategy for 2021, show your customer base what the world will look like with 5G and how easy it is to get started.
You’ll need to keep a close eye on the device market, and invest in those devices as soon as you have the opportunity. And form a plan of action on how to take them to your customers. As coverage increases, demand for 5G will skyrocket—make sure you’re ready to meet it.
Need a helping hand?
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How 5G will change the telecoms landscape | Channel Live Virtual keynote

Why you need to prep for 5G in 2021

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